Saturday, February 24, 2007

But the yell of all the yells, the yell that wins the day...

As promised, we watched the Pitt game in a bar (called The Red Garter), and, as hoped for, Georgetown won! It was one of my best "Georgetown moments," despite the fact that most of "my" Georgetown was an ocean away. Most of the Villa and nearly all of the University was there, and we ate "American"-style dinner and/or snacks (and to clarify "American," I'll tell you that the Caesar salad I ordered had tomatoes and carrots (unusual for a Caesar salad) and...dressing that was decidedly NOT Caesar) and drank Budweiser and Heineken, and watched Georgetown win. At the end, when it was close, but we were up and there were only a few minutes left, every Georgetown basket or rebound caused cheers and applause amongst the Hoyas in the bar. Everyone else, presumably, was pissed off and wanted to enjoy their dinners in peace. I'm pretty sure I overheard one kid say, "We go to Maryland, but obviously, we're rooting for Georgetown tonight." After it was over, we started the Fight Song, nice and loud and accompanied by clapping. I wish I were there to see this season in person, but there's also something really special about having that Georgetown experience when you're not at Georgetown.

After that, we went to the other part of the bar and sang karaoke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet sweet! How many people from Georgetown are there with you?